Siirry sisältöön
Wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia

Currently, 30 coronavirus-positive patients are being treated at the wards of Central Ostrobothnia Central Hospital. The majority of patients are in treatment primarily for a reason other than the coronavirus. However, it is important to try to prevent the spread of the virus, which is why effective protection and visiting restrictions are recommended at Soite’s wards.

We remind you that the face mask recommendation is still in effect at Soite’s units. A surgical mask that covers the mouth and nose or an FFP2 mask should be used when you are in close contact with other people, e.g. in the reception room or in a resident’s or patient’s room. It is also recommended that you use a face mask in Soite’s lobby and wards.

Visitors at the Central Hospital’s wards and at Soite’s round-the-clock housing service units are advised to use the more effective FFP2 face mask. We ask you to assess the necessity of the visit and we also recommend that you limit your visits and the number of visitors to a minimum.