Siirry sisältöön
Wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia

Shortcuts to Soite’s digital services

Identification in the My Healthcare service is done using online banking codes or a mobile certificate. Appointments to other services in Soite are be made by phone.

You can book, move and cancel an appointment digitally if the booking is regarding:

  • a birth control clinic
  • a pharmacist’s reception
  • physiotherapy
  • screening of cervical cancer
  • booking a call-back from a health care centre reception
  • health check for unemployed persons (only to the unit in Kokkola)
  • school and student health care
    • a school nurse
    • a public health nurse in student health care
  • a child health clinic
  • online appointment to a doctor concerning mental issues
  • oral and dental care
    • remote mouth health counseling for families expecting a child (only cancelling an appointment or booking a new appointment)
    • an appointment to a dental hygienist’s reception for children who are 3-6 years of age
    • an appointment to a dental nurse’s reception for a 3-year-old
    • a remote dental check-up for 1-year-old children (only cancelling an appointment or booking a new appointment)
    • dental checks for school-children
  • a coronavirus vaccination

You can cancel an appointment digitally if it is regarding:

  • an appointment to a health care centre

You can book an appointment to NordLab’s laboratory via the internet. A referral is always needed for laboratory exams.

If you are unable to come to an appointment at an outpatient clinic at the Central Ostrobothnian central hospital, you can cancel your appointment via the internet. Please cancel the appointment at least one weekday before the appointment.

Booking a place in a childbirth class or on a virtual tour of the labour ward is done via the internet.

Messages via the My Healthcare service are a safe way of communicating with professionals flexibly and independent of time and place. The messages in the My Healthcare service are not meant for communicating about urgent or acute matters.

The following services use the message function in the My Healthcare service:

  • the maternity and child health clinics
  • health care centre receptions
  • infectious diseases nurses (sexually transmitted diseases and taking tests)
  • the health service points for seniors
  • service guidance for the elderly
  • social and health care services advice

You can report your worry about a child, a senior citizen or someone else living in the municipality to Soite’s emergency social services. When you have reported your worry, the responsibility for assessing the need for care and help passes onto the social services authorities.

You can use the Help button to ask for help from the service guidance for families with children. A professional in social services contacts you within 1-3 weekdays.

You can make a child protection notification if you are concerned over a child’s welfare. You may be concerned over difficulties when it comes to the care of and bringing up a child or a youth, use of intoxicating substances in the family or violence.

Concern over an adult may arise e.g. if a person seems incapable of taking care of themselves and their safety.

Anyone who is concerned over another person’s life situation may contact the authorities, i.e. even private persons may do this.

An authority may with the consent of a client or together with a client contact the authority that is responsible for social welfare about a family with children or an adult. If the authority doesn’t have a consent, a report on the need of social welfare or a child protection notification is made.

You can contact us via the Rehabilitation button (Kunto-Nappi) when you are wondering about how you can influence your own well-being and health, need self-help instructions related to your lifestyle, or need help in applying for services. The rehabilitation advice services will contact you by phone no later than one week after the contact.

In MyKanta, it is easy to send a request for a prescription renewal to the healthcare services if the healthcare unit responsible for your care accepts requests for prescription renewals electronically. A parent or guardian can also send a request for a prescription renewal for a child under the age of 10.

Please note that the request to renew the prescription must be sent no later than eight (8) days before the medicine runs out.

More information about renewing a prescription

Identify yourself in the services by using online banking codes or a mobile certificate.

Address information is transmitted to the wellbeing services county automatically from the population information system of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

You can find the following health information about you in the My Healthcare service:

  • appointments to Soite’s units
  • main and permanent diagnoses
  • prescriptions
  • information about vaccinations
  • checking the INR value and the medicine dose when receiving anticoagulation treatment (e.g. Marevan)
  • checking and changing one’s own contact information (e-mail, phone number, the given name that is primarily used)
  • checking the permissions one has given and changing them (for sending text messages)
  • digital patient information forms

In the Omapalvelu service you can find the following information about your social services:

  • applications and decisions
  • requests for further information and answering them
  • filling out applications

In the national MyKanta service you can:

  • see your own health information
  • see your prescriptions and ask for a renewal of a prescription
  • save your living will and organ donation testament

When you identify yourself on, you can see the information that is saved about you in different registries authorities keep. In the registry, you can see what information has been saved about you in public administration registries.

The Päivystyshelppi service gives you advice when you are trying to assess whether to seek out care. Päivystyshelppi is a service for searching for information and it offers you instructions in sudden problems with health. You will receive help and advice when you are trying to assess whether to seek out care.

The service gives you support in case of a sudden problem with health or an accident and steers you to the help you need at the right time even before you contact a health care professional.

The Omaolo service is a safe way to communicate flexibly with a professional, independent of time and place. The symptom checkers in Omaolo give you reliable individual answers.

Choose and fill out the symptom checker that fits your symptoms. The answer you get is an assessment of your need of care that is based on medical research. In addition to this, you will see the instructions from your municipality or area and can act in accordance with them. If needed, you can contact a professional in your own area via Omaolo.

The symptom checkers do not give a diagnosis, but instead an assessment of the nature of the care that is needed. The assessment is based on medical information and the answers you have given. When it comes to urgency, an assessment is made of how quickly the situation would worsen without care.

You can do a service assessment to assess what kind of support and help the social services could offer you or your loved one with regards to your or their situation in life. The results from the assessment help you to decide whether you should seek apply for services. In addition to this, you will see the instructions from your municipality or area and can act in accordance with them if needed.

A digital health check can be used to assess your way of life and your mental well-being. A health check tells you how your way of life affects your life expectancy and risks of getting ill.

The purpose of the questions in the Therapy Navigator i is to assess the nature of the mental health symptoms and the needs when it comes to care. Please fill out the Therapy Navigator before contacting the mental health services. At the end of the questionnaire, you will get an individual code, which you can, if you wish, give a professional in health care. The professional can use the code to get access to the results from the questionnaire and can then take them into account when assessing your need of care. The Therapy Navigator is meant for persons over the age of 18.

Soite’s units can direct patients to individual care or service paths.

My Path in the Health Village is a safe digital service channel in health and social care. My Path gives you information and support that is suited for your situation and can be in contact with a professional.

We use the following digital paths:

  • prostatic cancer
  • cataract operation
  • injection in the vitreous body of the eye
  • a family who is expecting a child
  • MRI for children and adolescents
  • renal insufficiency
  • endoscopy of the large intestine
  • rheumatism
  • senior citizens
  • coronary artery disease
  • cancer treatment with medicines
  • hernia
  • type 2 diabetes
  • sleep apnoea
  • treatment on the neonatal intensive care unit

A referral or a client relationship to a treating unit is required for access to Soite’s My Path. Using My Path requires strong identification.

The Omapolku mobile app can be found in the application store on the mobile phone and it can be used to access My Path even more easily than before. The app makes it easier and quicker to use the digital care path. The app can be downloaded from AppStore or the Google Play store. More information about the Omapolku mobile app (in Finnish).

In the section “Queries and forms” in the My Healthcare Service, you will find the following digital forms:

  • Case history for school health service
  • Contact information (General case history for a visit at the doctor’s or for a procedure)
  • Medical history when it comes to a traveller’s vaccinations
  • A form for preliminary information for informal caregivers and family carers
  • Medical history for the use of Soite’s oral and dental care
  • A form for case history concerning sleep apnea
  • Form for medical history for the elderly
  • Medical history about a person coming to give birth

You can find other preliminary information forms on the page Terveyspalveluiden lomakkeet (in Finnish).

Some of Soite’s services use messages. If you have given permission in the service to receiving messages digitally, messages sent to you by Soite are directed to the services instead of being sent by mail.

The pages contain the PDF forms that can be filled out digitally and printed out.

Via Omapalvelu, you can fill out digital applications for:

  • supplementary or preventive social assistance. In order to apply for supplementary or preventive social assistance, you must have a valid decision on basic social assistance by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland Kela or your application must be pending.
  • home services for families with children.
  • services in accordance with the act on disability services (vammaispalvelulaki).
  • support for informal care.
  • services supporting mobility and changes in the home for the elderly.

You can make different notifications and fill out applications in the online services for the rescue services.

The online service Omaperhe compiles information, support and regional services to one address. The online service offers reliable information on and help regarding many matters in families. The service contains a great deal of content on e.g. pregnancy and childbirth, a baby’s first year, childhood, adolescence as well as parenting and the couple relationship.

Terveyskirjasto offers reliable, independent and current information about health and illnesses, so that it can be reached by all.

The Health Village offers information and support free of charge for everyone as well as care for patients and tools for professionals.

The well-being coaching programmes encourage you to make lifestyle changes that can improve your well-being. The coaching programmes guide and monitor your progress through the tasks you complete. You can start well-being coaching programmes on your own or on a recommendation by a professional.

You can give feedback on Soite’s digital services. Each digital service can be found separately in the feedback system.

You can give us digital feedback on care or services, make a notification on a safety incident or make a written objection or complaint if you are dissatisfied with service or care or with how you have been treated. In addition to this, it is possible to apply for compensation for a pharmaceutical or patient injury or for material damage. You can also give general feedback.

Central Ostrobothnian Central Hospital uses a digital monitoring service called MyHealth. If you have an appointment for an operation or for treatment, you can receive a request via text message to check and fill out the information about you. Such information is e.g. your case history and monitoring information.

The following services support living at home.

A professional in Soite can be in contact with a client or patient via a video connection. Contact via video is always agreed on together with a client or patient.

The home care services use talking medicine dispensers that help clients take their medicines in the way a doctor has prescribed.

The digital support eSeniors offers support for senior citizens regarding the use of digital services.

The digital service points offer individual digital support, so that it is possible to use digital services.

Shortcuts to national digital services

