Siirry sisältöön
Wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia

Family care can be short-term or long-term care. Short-term family care is usually carried out 1-14 days a month or it can also be carried out as family care a part of the day. Family care is also one of the ways to arrange an informal caregiver’s days off.

The goal of family care is to give the person who is in family care the possibility to receive homelike care and to form close relationships and to further their general sense of security and social relations.

Special strengths of family care are permanent relationships and the sense of security they give as well as the possibility to form attachments. In family care, the basis for a harmonious everyday life are repeated everyday routines and predictability. 

Who is the service meant for?

If the requirements for family care are fulfilled based on a service needs assessment, family care is a suitable way to arrange the care of a child or an adolescent with an intellectual disability.

You can apply for services digitally on behalf of an underaged child if you have first filled out a commitment on acting on behalf of an underaged child in the Omapalvelu service.

Using the Omapalvelu service requires online bank user identifiers or a mobile certificate.

Practices in and criteria of family care

Practices in and criteria of family care have been determined in the instruction for family care.

Soite guides and supervises family care.

Contact by phone

Take care of errands digitally