Joint emergency services
Soite’s Joint emergency services are open 24/7. If your assessment is that you need treatment for your injury or sudden illness with 24 hours, please call the Medical Helpline 116 117.
In a case of emergency, call the general emergency number 112
The content on this page
If your assessment is that you need treatment for your injury or sudden illness with 24 hours, please call the Medical Helpline: 116 117. You can also leave a callback request in the service. We will try to reach you twice. If you do not answer either of our phone calls, you will have to leave a new callback request.
The Medical Helpline 116 117 gives advice and guidance and you can call it to ask for advice if there is a sudden health problem. You can call the Medical Helpline e.g. when your own health station is closed, and you are thinking about going to the Joint emergency services. The service is meant for urgent situations, especially outside of office hours, but it is not meant for emergencies.
On the website of the Medical Helpline, you can also find the text service, which is free of charge and meant for persons who cannot hear or cannot produce speech. The text service (“tekstipalvelu”) can be found on the right-hand side on the Finnish page.
Contact by phone
112 – Emergency number in Finland
Call: 112Service hoursService hours
Open 24/7
Joint emergency services
Phone calls to Soite’s joint emergency services are connected to Central Ostrobothnia’s 116 117-number.
Call: +358 6 826 4500Service hoursService hours
Open 24/7
Medical Helpline 116117
Call: 116 117Service hoursService hours
Open 24/7
The secretary in the joint emergency services
Only patient queries
Call: +358 40 653 4145Service hoursService hours
Mon–Sun 07:15–22:00
Your need of care is assessed in the emergency services
Soite gives urgent care at Soite’s health care stations and in the Joint emergency services at Central Ostrobothnian central hospital.
The assessment of the need of care when it comes to emergency patients, is based on the instruction ”Yhtenäiset päivystyshoidon perusteet” (Common foundations of emergency care) by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health as well as on Soite’s own ABCDE-classification of urgency.
Emergency care is given to patients who need treatment of their injury or sudden illness within 24 hours.
The emergency clinic at Central Ostrobothnian central hospital is called the Joint emergency services. The joint emergency services are a clinic for emergency patients both in primary health care and in specialised medical care. The joint emergency services are open 24/7.
Children and adolescents from 0 to 16 years of age are treated either in the joint emergency services or at the paediatric and youth emergency clinic depending on the assessment of the need of care. Patients who are referred to the hospital (children and adolescents who are severely ill) are always treated at the paediatric and youth emergency clinic.
The emergency clinic of primary health care has 1-2 general practise doctors and a nurse. In addition to this, the clinic has a nurse who is responsible for checking on the patients and nursing staff who assist in procedures and examinations.
In addition to doctors’ and nurses’ receptions, the joint emergency services provide guidance by phone 116 117 at all hours of the day i.e. 24/7. The phone guidance gives instructions on home care, assesses the urgency of the need of care and steers the patient to the correct place of care.
The emergency clinic of specialised medical care has two doctors. One of them treats illnesses within internal medicine, neurology as well as pulmonary diseases and the other treats surgical patients. The goal is to treat patients who have other diseases during office hours at the outpatient clinic of the speciality in question or through consultation with a specialist.
In addition to emergency services at the joint emergency services clinic, the hospital always has a paediatrician, gynaecologist and anaesthesiologist present. The emergency services also include stand by services when it comes to specialists within internal medicine and surgery, radiology and psychiatry. Laboratory services are also provided 24/7.
Am I an emergency patient?
In a life-threatening emergency, one must act fast. If you suspect someone close to you is having a stroke or a cerebrovascular disorder or has severe shortness of breath, pain in the chest or one of the following symptoms, please call the emergency number 112 immediately. The Emergency Response Centre Agency will send an ambulance if one is needed.
Health problems that are life-threatening are e.g.:
- Unconsciousness
- The patient doesn’t breathe, the patient cannot be woken up
- Sudden symptoms of paralysis
- Severe shortness of breath/trouble breathing, the patient cannot talk and speaks individual words
- Severe pain in the chest as well as cold sweats and weakness
- A convulsion that doesn’t pass
- Bleeding caused by large wounds
- Injuries to the head and a lowered level of consciousness or unconsciousness
- High speed traffic accidents (a car collision at the speed of over 60 km/h or if a car hits a pedestrian, cyclist or moped rider)
- Falling from a high place (a height of more than two times one’s own height)
If the patient’s life is not under immediate threat, but the situation warrants urgent care, care in the emergency services is needed. Call the Medical Helpline 116 117 to get an assessment of the need of care and to be steered to the correct place of care. Health problems that warrant urgent care are e.g.:
- Pain in the chest or a constantly irregular heartbeat
- The general health status of a young person or a person of working age suddenly worsens
- Injuries caused by an accident, wounds that bleed profusely and fractures that are in the wrong position
- Facial injuries that have caused impaired vision
- A lowered level of consciousness
- A sudden confusion, unclear speech
- A sudden, severe headache, vision disorders
- A sudden shortness of breath, can speak sentences
- A sudden severe or worsening stomach age
- A severe earache that is not alleviated with pain medication
You can also fill out a symptom checker in the Omaolo service and get reliable information on whether your symptoms warrant (urgent) care by a professional or if home care is sufficient. More information about the Omaolo service in Soite.
In non-urgent matters, please primarily contact your own health care station. Such matters are e.g.:
- A head cold
- A stomach flu
- Emergency contraception (morning after pill)
- Renewing prescriptions, sick leave certificates, continuing a sick leave or assessing the work ability
- Need for a certificate or need for check-ups
- Asking about laboratory or x-ray results
- Prolonged aches or pains that are not caused by an injury
- Removing stitches
- Measuring blood pressure
- Intoxication without any other symptoms
- Assessment of spots, birthmarks and lumps
- Vaccinations (non-acute)
- A prolonged eczema
Service points
Information about the service
If your assessment is that you need treatment for your injury or sudden illness within 24 hours, please call the medical helpline 116 117. You may also fill out a digital symptom checker in the Omapalvelu service and get reliable information on whether your symptoms require treatment by a professional or if you can treat them at home. In case of an emergency, call 112.