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Wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia

The substance abuse and addiction services offer help to those suffering from addiction, and also to their family and friends. You can seek help for substance addiction or functional addiction, for example gambling addiction.

The services aim to support, advise and direct the client to various social and healthcare services and outpatient support measures, which are given based on the need for help, support and treatment. The services can be used by the substance abuser himself and their family and friends.

To ensure the ability to drive, the employee of the substance abuse services performs an assessment of the person’s drug addiction in cooperation with a doctor, in accordance with the EU directive.


Substance abuse prevention workers help people with substance abuse problems and persons close to them in various situations concerning substance, drug, medicine and gambling addictions. The services support, advice and direct the client to various social and health care services and outpatient care support measures, which are given based on the need for help, support and care.

Help is also given as a preventive measure, when a client suspects that their substance use is getting out of control.

Preventive substance abuse work is carried out multi-professionally in cooperation with different parties. The preventive substance abuse work in the Soite region is developed with the help of the Pakka operating model.

The youth support and counseling point Nuotta offers help to people under the age of 25 and their families when they are concerned about the youth’s substance abuse or addiction issues. We hope that you will contact us at an early stage, and the problem does not have to be serious to seek help. Visits to the nurse are free of charge for the client, for those over 18 a fee is charged for a visit to the doctor according to a separate price list.

Treatment is based on voluntary participation and confidentiality. Substance use is only seen as one part of the life of the young person and their close ones. In the treatment, the entire life situation of the young person and their family is taken into account, and a treatment package that meets their needs is agreed with each client family. Nuotta supports the young person as long as it is needed.

Pilke is peer-supported, professionally led group activity for the elderly (+60 years old) who have or have had substance abuse problems. Pilke activities are organized at Tervakartano.

The day centre is intended for substance abusers, homeless persons and others who are outside of services and are over the age of 18. At the day centre you can rest, take a shower and do laundry. Food and coffee, as well as social and health advice are also offered.

The day centre can be visited without a referral or an appointment. The services are free of charge for visitors. You can also visit if you are intoxicated and/or be anonymous.

The day centre is open Monday-Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Portti

Sobering-up treatment is intended for short-term recovery for people under the influence of substances. Sobering-up treatment aims to secure a person’s health or safety in situations where they are unable to take care of themselves due to intoxication. Before coming to sobering-up treatment, please contact the unit for sobering-up treatment and detoxification to confirm that there is a place available for you. Sobering-up treatment is carried out in the joint emergency services at Central Ostrobothnian Central Hospital.

The health counseling point Vaihtari offers anonymous services to clients who use drugs intravenously. Clients can exchange used syringes and needles for clean instruments.

Vaihtari also provides health counseling and treatment guidance. The services are free of charge and confidential.

Vaihtari is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 15.00 to 16:30 at Portti (Terveystie 4, 67200 Kokkola).

Detoxification treatment refers to the cessation of heavy, long-standing substance abuse with the support of treatment measures. The goal is to stop the cycle of substance abuse, prevent and treat withdrawal symptoms, and create the conditions for physical, psychological and social rehabilitation. Detoxification treatment is carried out on psychiatric ward 15 for adults at Central Ostrobothnian Central Hospital.

The chat for mental health services and services for substance abusers

The chat for mental health services and services for substance abusers is available on the website on weekdays from 12 PM to 2 PM. The service is intended for people over 18 years of age. The chat offers a low-threshold contact channel when you need support for mental health problems, life crises, substance abuse or addictions.

In the chat, you can discuss anonymously and in real time with a nurse. Soite’s professionals provide guidance and advice in the chat, without a rush. In care-related matters, the professional may ask you to identify yourself via the service, after which a more accurate assessment of your mental health can be made. As support for the assessment, you may be directed to fill in the Therapy Navigator questionnaire.

The Therapy Navigator

If you wish, you can fill out the Therapy Navigator form (available in English) before contacting the mental health services. The questions in the Therapy Navigator are used to examine the nature of your mental health symptoms and treatment-related needs.

You cannot book appointments with the mental health services through the Therapy Navigator service. After filling out the questionnaire, you can familiarize yourself with the self-help programs at Terveyskylä’s Mentalhub site or contact the advice and assessment phone for mental health services and services for substance abusers and tell them that you have filled out the Therapy Navigator questionnaire.

Additional material (in Finnish)

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