Student welfare
Student welfare refers to promoting and maintaining good learning, good mental and physical health and social wellbeing of a pupil and student, as well as measures that increase their prerequisites. Student welfare is supporting the child, adolescent, the teacher and the community as a whole.
The content on this page
The goal of student welfare is to promote and support students’ schooling, learning, wellbeing, and social and psychological abilities. Cooperation is carried out with the student and the student’s family and other close people and networks. School psychologists and school social workers in student welfare help students find the necessary services.
School psychologists provide consultation and implement interventions and assessments in areas such as emotional and self-image challenges, general mental health problems, acute life crises, and learning and studying difficulties.
School social workers support the schooling, wellbeing and social abilities of pupils and students. The meetings can be related to e.g. social relationships, as well as matters related to life and everyday management.
Student welfare services are intended for all pupils and students in the welfare services county. Pupils and students can meet with school social workers and school psychologists on the premises of their school or educational institution or in the immediate vicinity of it during a school day.
Pupils, students and parents can contact school social workers and school psychologists directly via Wilma or by phone.
The services of school social workers and school psychologist are free of charge.
Contact by phone
School psychologists in Kannus, Toholampi, Halso, Lestijärvi and Perho
Call: +358 40 806 5352 -
School psychologists in Kaustinen
Järvelän koulu, Puumalan koulu, Kaustisen keskuskoulu
Call: +358 40 804 3416 -
School psychologists in Kokkola
Kiviniityn koulu, Kpedu’s health and welfare sectors/hair and beauty sector, social and healthcare sector, Central Ostrobothnia Conservatory
Call: +358 40 806 5352Kpedu ammattikampus’ IT and media, building sector, TUVA, Luovi, Kpedu ammattikampus’ industry and logistics sector, STEP-education
Call: +358 40 806 5997Kokkolan suomalainen lukio, Ykspihlajan koulu
Call: +358 50 432 6414Halkokarin and Rytimäen koulu, Hollihaan koulu
Call: +358 40 489 2236Torkinmäen koulu, Lucina Hagmanin koulu, Kpedu’s premises in Kälviä, Kpedu ammattikampus’ business sector, food and cleaning services
Call: +358 40 806 5996Chydenius skola, Såka skola, Villa skola, Öja skola, Karleby svenska gymnasium (Donnerska skola)
Call: +358 40 806 8426Isokylän yhtenäiskoulu
Call: +358 40 806 5017Pre-primary education in Finnish and in Swedish, Kaustarin koulu
Call: +358 50 410 2684The other schools in Kokkola
Call: +358 40 652 4660Service hoursService hours
Tue 08:30–09:30
Thu 14:30–15:30
School psychologists in Veteli
Tunkkarin koulu, Ylipään koulu, Vetelin keskuskoulu, Vetelin yläkoulu, Vetelin lukio
Call: +358 40 804 3416 -
School social workers in Halsua
Pre-primary education, Halsuan yhtenäiskoulu
Call: +358 40 804 3674 -
School social workers in Kannus
Takalon koulu and pre-primary education, Märsylän koulu, Kpedu’s nature resource sectors (luonnonvara-ala) in Kannus
Call: +358 40 804 3412Juhani Vuorisen koulu, Raasakan koulu and pre-primary education, Roikolan koulu, Kannuksen lukio
Call: +358 40 804 3414 -
School social workers in Kaustinen
Pre-primary education (Omenapuu and Kino), Kaustisen keskuskoulu grades 7-9, Musiikkilukio, Step-education, Kpedu’s nature resource/horse sector
Call: +358 50 308 7377Kaustisen keskuskoulu grades 1-6, Järvelän koulu, Puumalan koulu and pre-primary education
Call: +358 40 136 7526 -
School social workers in Kokkola
Mariankadun koulu, Swedish-language pre-primary education
Call: +358 50 430 3370Halkokarin and Rytimäen koulu, Koivuhaan koulu
Call: +358 40 804 3415Kokkola suomalainen lukio
Call: +358 40 806 8438Hollihaan koulu, Lohtajan koulu, Lohtajan Kirkonkylän koulu, Marinkaisten koulu
Call: +358 40 806 8399Kpedu ammattikampus rakennusalat (building trades) and teollisuus- and logistiikka-ala (industry and logistics)
Call: +358 40 806 8212Kpedu ammattikampus: health and wellness sector, restaurant, catering and cleaning services, TUVA, Luovi and education and instruction (Kälviä)
Call: +358 44 780 9046Kpedu ammattikampus: business and security, IT and media sector, Central Ostrobothnia Conservatory
Call: +358 40 806 8211Kälviän kirkonkylän koulu, Peltokorven koulu, Marttilan koulu, Ruotsalon koulu, Lucina Hagmanin koulu
Call: +358 40 489 2147Kiviniityn koulu and Mäntykankaan koulu
Call: +358 44 780 9169Isokylän yhtenäiskoulu
Call: +358 40 806 8213Hakalahden koulu, Chydenius skola, Såka skola
Call: +358 44 780 9124Torkinmäen koulu, Kaustarin koulu and Ykspihlajan koulu
Call: +358 44 780 9382Donnerska Skolan, Karleby svenska gymnasium, Öja skola, Villa skola
Call: +358 40 489 2206Rahkosen koulu, Veikko Vionojan koulu
Call: +358 50 308 7377Finnish-language pre-primary education, Jokilaakson koulu
Call: +358 50 430 1428 -
School social workers in Lestijärvi
Pre-primary education, Lestin koulu
Call: +358 50 473 0008 -
School social workers in Perho
Pre-primary education, Kirkonkylän alakoulu, Möttösen koulu, Keskuskoulu, Kpedu’s LähiAmis in Perho and nature and environment sector
Call: +358 40 765 9915 -
School social workers in Toholampi
Pre-primary education, Toholammin lukio, Kleemolan koulu, Viitojan koulu, Herman Ojalan koulu, Kuusiston koulu, Sykäräisen koulu
Call: +358 50 473 0008 -
School social workers in Veteli
Pre-primary education, Tunkkarin koulu, Vetelin keskuskoulu, Vetelin yläkoulu, Ylipään koulu, Vetelin lukio
Call: +358 40 804 3674