Siirry sisältöön
Wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia

Contact an expert via DigiSoite’s My Healthcare service

You can send a message to a doctors’ and nurses’ reception via DigiSoite’s My Healthcare service when it suits you best. We will answer your message or will contact you as soon as possible during office hours.

Identification in the My Healthcare service is done via the web service For identification, you need online bank user identifiers or a mobile certificate.

1. Log on to the My Healthcare service. For identification, you need online bank user identifiers or a mobile certificate. Identification is done via the web service
2. Click on “Messages” in the menu on the My Healthcare site if you wish to send a message. The first time you use the system, the system asks your permission for sending messages.
3. Click on “New message” and fill in the fields on the digital form. If you wish to send your message to the nurse’s and doctor’s reception in Kokkola, choose it in the menu if you have not been assigned your own contact person. If you have been assigned a contact person, choose “Assigned contact person, nurses’ and doctors’ reception” as the recipient.
4. Write your message and send it by clicking on Send.

We offer our clients who use Marevan a possibility to use online services in DigiSoite’s My Healthcare service. A client and a nurse agree together on transitioning to online services if the client is suitable for the services.

Online services are suitable for non-urgent care to support a client’s self-care.


  • it is possible for clients who use Marevan and are suitable for online services to check their own INR values and medicine doses, their lists of medicines and their vaccination information via the My Healthcare service 24/7.
  • the client does not need to queue on the phone
  • the client’s responsibility for his/her treatment increases
  • it is easier for the client to take care of his/her health care errands

The digital My Healthcare services offers clients the possibility to be a part of the team that cares for him/her. The team includes a doctor, a nurse and the client. The doctor and the nurse use their expertise to support the citizen in taking care of his/her health and in having control over his/her illness.

Reception nurse chat

Via the reception nurse chat you can take care of the same errands as via the reception telephone service. In the chat you can discuss with a reception nurse by identifying yourself via the service. You can find the chat on the address The chat window is visible when the website’s cookies have been accepted.

Contact and appointment booking

Patients come to health care centre receptions via appointment booking. A health care professional will process your booking and assess your need of treatment and, if possible, takes care of your errand completely by phone or online.

You can also fill in a symptom checker online in the Omaolo service and get reliable information on whether your symptoms require care by a professional or if self-care is sufficient.

More information on the Omaolo service in Soite (the text is available in Finnish and in Swedish).

If your need of treatment is such that you need the expertise of another group of professionals or need to come to the reception, the contacts you need are organized without any unnecessary delay.

Many things associated with your health may be conveniently taken care of online or by phone, and you do not then necessarily need to visit a health care centre at all. In other words, the reception will give you advice and care instructions if a visit to the reception is not necessary. Our goal is to strengthen the patient’s role in treating his/her own illness. Treatment is then not dependent on when the health care centre is open.

Please primarily contact the reception in your own area. The reception in Kokkola functions according to the call back principle: the client calls and leaves a request to be called back and is contacted during the same day. In the Perhonjokilaakso and Lestijokilaakso areas, direct phone lines are used and if the professional is occupied, you can leave a request to be called back.

If your employer has a contract with occupational health services, please primarily contact your occupational health services.

If your symptoms or your illness do/does not require a visit to a doctor, a nurse/public health nurse has a right to prescribe sick leave for 1-3 days.

Necessary contacts with specialist nurses (diabetes nurse, asthma nurse, cardiac nurse, rheumatology nurse etc.) are usually also booked via the appointment booking at doctors’ receptions. Specialist nurses may also be consulted by nurses who assess the need of treatment. Thus, their expertise can be used as much as possible when needed.

Cancelling an appointment

If you are unable to come to an appointment and need to cancel it, please contact your health care station without delay by phone or via DigiSoite. You can cancel an appointment digitally via DigiSoite’s My Healthcare service.

Contact by phone

Contact outside of office hours

If you need urgent care on a weekday between 4 pm and 8 am or on a weekend or on a midweek holiday (24/7), contact the Medical Helpline 116 117.

In an emergency, call 112.

Please note!

When you come to an appointment, please take with you your medication list as well as your papers that are associated with following up your treatment, e.g. your card for your blood pressure measurements. If you have a prolonged pulmonary disease, please also take with you the inhalers that have been prescribed for you.

An own contact person for you?

A client can be assigned their own contact person for taking care of their errands related to health care at Soite’s primary health care receptions i.e. health care centres and health care stations.

The model with an own contact person is used to ensure continuity in the client’s care, and in the future, the client can be in contact with the same familiar professional. The contact person is the client’s primary contact person for non-urgent health care errands.

A client can be suggested an own contact person during a visit to a reception or the client can ask for an own contact person themselves. An own contact person can be assigned, for example, if:

  • the client has chronic diseases for which they are taking medication or if the disease is not in good therapeutic balance
  • the client has challenges with coping with everyday life
  • the client needs a great deal of health care services

Together with the contact person, an individual health and care plan is drawn up for the client. The aim of the health and care plan is to ensure that the client or patient receives the care and support they need as efficiently and individually as possible. It also supports self-care. For more information on the health and care plan:

The client’s communication with Soite is smoother when they can be in contact with their own contact person. The way of contacting is agreed on with the client.

The contact person is there to give support in non-urgent matters. In emergencies, you should always contact the emergency number 112 and in urgent situations, the medical helpline 116 117 or the number of your own health care centre.

Choosing the place for non-urgent care

A client may change their place of care within Soite even for just one visit without a separate written notice. A person may choose their health care centre/health care station responsible for their primary health care anywhere on continental Finland.

Information about the service

Clients come to the receptions after having contacted appointment booking.

Soites health care stations are divided into health and social services centres, health and social services stations and Soite’s service points.

  • The health and social services centres have the most comprehensive range of services. The on-call services and receptions have been centralized to the health and social services centres. Soite’s health and social services centres (health care centres) are located in Kokkola (the main health care station), in Kannus and in Tunkkari (Veteli).
  • The services that the health and social services stations offer are not constant and depend on the station. The stations offer expert receptions, receptions by doctors from different specialities as well as maternity, child health and birth control clinic services and social services. The health and social services stations (health care stations) are located in Kälviä, Toholampi and Perho.
  • Soite’s service points are local low-threshold services that have a flexible range of services. Soite’s service points are located in Koivuhaka in Kokkola and in Lestijärvi, Ullava and Lohtaja.